
Back From a Far Away Place(6)


Perhaps subconsciously, I wanted to wait for Adrian to get married before going back to face him, so I kept postponing the date of my return with all kinds of excuses.

But I didn't expect that no one had urged me to go back.

My partner said, "It doesn't matter. Enjoy your vacation with pay. At worst, I'll only have porridge for two more years."

My parents said, "I really enjoyed myself when you were not at home. Anyway, you are spending your own money. Enjoy your time for as long as you can. Just don't forget to bring me a gift."

Ethan said, "The photos you took during your trip are so beautiful. People like you are born to be travelers."

At first, I didn't find there was anything wrong with it. But gradually, I found that every time I chatted with them, it was me who was looking for an excuse not to go back and it was them who were finding an excuse to stop me from going back.

Did something happen?

I asked many people what had happened, but I got no answer. In the end, I
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