

Jasmine Pov

" So, who are we supposed to meet" I asked dad. He has an annoyed look on his face, though I can feel it's not directed at me. It's for whoever we must go see. He didn't answer. Instead, his eyes were blank, which told me he was linking to someone.

" How are you feeling?" Samael asked as he put his hand on my face. I can tell he was trying to avoid the subject. I inhaled his scent. Something I have been doing more often than I realized. It was a calm that came from not only him, but his wolf. It just felt so........right. However, it didn't take a mate bond to see he was trying to change the subject.

" I'm feeling fine. Now will you tell me who we are going to go see? Who has this stone?" I asked them. Dad looked at me with his purple eyes that held many emotions. Sadness. Regret. Anger. Samael opened his mouth to say something, but dad beat him to it.

" We are going to see some people I used to be friendly with. We had a falling out, but I left them in charge of prote
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