
Chapter 16

Ron's POV

Her hair felt so soft that I wanted to bury all my fingers in them to feel the softness and enjoy the fresh fragrance coming out of them.

" You don't need to do this. " She said, in a faint husky voice.

" I don't mind helping you. " I bent and whispered near her ear. I swear that I had to use every ounce of self-control to resist kissing her neck and nibbling her ear. My lips went very close to her silky smooth skin but I controlled myself when only a paper could pass through us.


" Please, back off. " She said in a husky voice, I knew she was getting affected more than I was at the moment. But I had to control myself if I had to win her.

" What if I don't? I am enjoying every moment and so are you. " I said.

" Rubbish!! I am not at all affected by you or anyone that way." She said firmly.

" Oh, come on my ice princess, you are melting. " I said.

" Only in your dreams. "She said.

" My dreams... Do you wonder what or who I dream about? How are you so sure that I dre
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