
Chapter 159 Trouble at the Meet-n-Greet

Two days had passed since the Thorin Gerard incident. Things had been going swimmingly, and the company was bustling with activity as they planned and prepared for Edelgard’s meet-n-greet. Jade also found herself devoting a lot of her time and effort to make it a success.

If she were to personally rank her relationship with the actress, she would have given it a “Not Bad” rating. Of course, she was sure their friendship would have improved even more if it weren’t for the annoyingly intimate “misunderstanding” between Edelgard and Javier, which was hovering above them.

Meanwhile, Luca felt both grateful and slightly proud for averting a cataclysm for Thorin’s sake. Javier appeared to have moved past the imbroglio since then, because if the man had really wanted to, he would have used his money and connections to destroy the Gerard Family by now. The lack of bad news proved that Javier had really let it slide.

He would remember this, he decided. He would remember this moment of mercy
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