


I leaned back in my leather chair, my fingers tapping idly on the mahogany desk as I watched Agent Matthews. His sharp regard met mine, and I couldn't help but suppress a smirk. The hound had come sniffing around, looking for answers.

"So, Dante, huh?" I said, feigning casual interest. "Last seen at my casino, you say?"

Agent Matthews' eyes didn't waver, his demeanor unflinching. "That's right, Mr. Salvadori. Any idea about his whereabouts?"

I shrugged, my smile widening. "Well, you know how it is in the casino business. People come and go. We don't exactly keep track of their vacation plans."

He arched an eyebrow, his gaze piercing through my facade. "Surely, you must have cameras, records..."

I arched forward, my voice laced with amusement. "Of course we do, but you think I have the time to keep tabs on every Tom, Dick, and Dante who walks through those doors?"

"You seem awfully nonchalant about this. Considering your connections and resources, I find it hard to beli
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