
No more men


Rosalina answered her phone, her beautiful face turning distant and aloof. She glanced at my direction before looking outside the window. I followed her gaze and saw that bastard was glaring at me with a murderous intent. I was all too familiar with that look, many men had given me that look before, before I plummeted them to near death.

I didn't think twice before I snatched the phone from her hand. "Hey!"

"Listen here, you punk," I growled into the phone, my New York accent thickening with each word. "You're interrupting our date and I ain't got time for your bullshit. So why don't you crawl back into whatever hole you came from and leave us the hell alone?"

Sebastian's voice on the other end of the line was cold and threatening. "Stay out of her life. She doesn't deserve a brat like you."

I couldn't help but let out a dark chuckle. "Too good for me? Is that what you think, tough guy? Let me tell you something. Rosalina's a big girl, she can make her own damn decision
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