
Pretty boy


I pulled out my car keys from my back pocket as I stepped down the hotel's front entrance. New York looked depressing because of the layer of dark, damp clouds hovering over the place. I wasn't fond of monsoons because of the cold, deathly atmosphere they created. It reminded me of the day of Mamma's untimely death.

Shaking off the sore feeling up my chest, I approached my flaming red Ferrari that was parked near the sidewalk. As I was about to open the door, someone slammed into my side and I almost dropped my keys.

"Hey! Watch where you're going—" I stopped mid-sentence when I looked down at the person who bumped into me. It was a woman—A short one. She wore a black cap, a mask covering up her mouth, and sunglasses.

Who the hell wears sunglasses in the monsoon?

The attire she wore made her look like a street punk, yet it suited her perfectly, hugging her flawless, curvy little body. The short leather skirt gave a generous view of her long, slender legs, and I wondered how they would feel wrapped around my torso.

"Sorry about that!" She said in a distressed voice, waking me up from my lewd reverie. She glanced back, then at me, and then at my car. "I'm being stalked. Can I please hide in your car for a while?"

I internally kicked myself for ogling her. Jesus—I need to wash my dirty brain with holy water sometime.

"Yeah, sure." I opened the door for her and she slid in elegantly. I climbed into the driver's seat and shut the door.

"Thanks for letting me in," she said as her primly manicured fingers reached to peel off the mask, revealing those pouty, pink lips. The bottom lip was slightly fuller than the upper lip. God, they were the prettiest pink lips I've ever seen. I wanted to have a bite to test if it tasted as sweet as it looked.

Next, she pulled the two stems of the sunglasses, unveiling a set of dangerously seductive siren eyes. Yes—siren eyes. The irises were a pale shade of green, with a ring of gold surrounding the pupils. *Mio Dio—I've never seen eyes so bewitching in my life. Then she lifted off the cap, letting silky waves of brunette hair fall over her slender shoulders, and combed her fingers through her messy tresses.

My heart did a weird dance in my chest. The girl looked like she was around my age, but her eyes gave off the vibe of a vixen that would lure men to their doom.

And I might as well get lured.

The girl's tempting lips bloomed into a smile, a dimple appearing on either side of her cheeks that gave her a touch of innocence. But I could tell she was anything 𝑏𝑢𝑡 innocent.

"Hey, can I ask you for one more favor?" Her brows pinched together, and she batted her lovely long lashes as she looked up at me.

"Anything for a beautiful girl like you," I winked at her.

The musical little laugh that tumbled past the girl's lips made my dick twitch. "I need to get to the airport on time, so could you drop me off?" She asked sweetly.

"Don't think I'll do the favor for free." I drawled, giving her my panty-melting smirk. "I will need a little reward."

Her eyes went wide, and she blinked, making her appear like a startled bunny. "Hm, what do you want in exchange?" Her voice turned bold yet playful. Dangerously so. Like she was calling me in for a challenge.

"A deep, passionate kiss will do." I pushed. She could slap my face and back away or take the offer. The choice was hers to take.

Instead of getting angry, she laughed like she found me funny or something.

She leaned close, peering straight into my eyes, into my 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑙. "I'll kiss you when we get there." She whispered in my ear. That sweet, low voice seeped through my skin and settled straight to my groin.

Fuck, up close, she smelled delicious. Like freshly bloomed roses—Red roses. Because red was the color of danger and this little vixen right here was, without a doubt, a dangerous being.

I drew closer to her, and she leaned back until her back pressed against the leather seat. Our lips barely touched, yet I felt spikes of shock waves jumping up my back from the slight contact. But I would not kiss her until I get her to the airport. I don't do half-assed shit.

The girl let out a deep, shuddering breath as my hand reached for the seat belt and I strapped her tight to the seat. A blush crept up her face, and I took pleasure in making her flustered.

And hell, until now, I've never got turned on for making a girl blush.

Until her.

"Thanks," she mumbled, fiddling with the strap of the seatbelt.


I press-started the car with a blaze, gripping the steering wheel. Blue veins jutted out through my tanned skin. I stared at the long road ahead like an F1 racer would before the race began. Adrenaline pumped with my blood and transpired into my sports car as the engines roared and we sped off in the blink of an eye.



I eyed the handsome stranger that was giving me a free ride to the airport. Well, not technically free. But I didn't mind kissing him, since he seemed to be a good kisser and because he had luscious lips. I guessed he was probably older than me—maybe a college jock.

The first thing I noticed about him was his coffee-brown eyes. They were warm and contrasted with the cool rainy season. If not for his oversized body, he would have perfectly fit into my pretty boy preferences.

Actually, I might just prefer this one better.

"So, where are you flying to?" He asked, casting a brief glance at me, smiling.

Did I mention he had dimples?

Yes, definitely a pretty boy.

"To Chicago," I said. "I have to see my Mamma."

"You from Chicago?" He asked, surprised.

"No. My Mamma has breast cancer and I have to go visit her and... take care of her." I said, and it was the truth. It was unclear if my Mamma was properly taken care of or if she was under a financial burden.

I brought my diamond earrings with me to sell them off just in case I had to pay the medical bills for her. I will not lose her to disease and I'll do anything in my power to save her.

"I'm sorry to hear that about your Mamma." He said, and he seemed like he was genuinely feeling bad for me.

"Nothing to say sorry about," I shrugged. "How old are you, by the way?" I asked, giving him my wide, curious eyes. I'm guessing somewhere between twenty-two to twenty-five.


My jaw dropped. "No way! For real?"


My eyes trace him one more time, taking every square inch of him that was in plain sight. "Dude, you don't look anywhere near eighteen!" Not to mention that deep, booming voice of his that gave me a rush of goosebumps when I first heard it.

"I'm a walking contradiction—I know." He roared out a laugh that made my tummy feel giddy. "How about you?"

"We're the same age," I said. "Nice car. You recently bought it?"

"Birthday gift." He said, shrugging a shoulder.

This guy must come from a filthy, rich family. Maybe a family of bodybuilders, judging by how big he was for an eighteen-year-old. Compared to him, I looked like a scrawny kid.

"What does your family do?" I asked, getting more curious to know about him. I might just familiarize myself with him while I'm still here.

"Business." was all he said.

"What kind of?"

"Many kinds. You know, trading and stuff?" He said simply. Maybe his family runs a shop? "What about yours?"

"Yeah, mine too..." I said. I couldn't say illegal business. "They run a bistro." It's true, technically. I had family members who run bakeries and bistros in the city.

"Uh-huh." He nodded in acknowledgment. "Why do you plan on leaving for Chicago all on your own?"

"Because my family doesn't like my mom." My voice came out edgy. Ugh.

"Can I ask why?"

Are we going to have a chat about our private lives right now?

"Well, because she left my dad..." I cringed inwardly because I shared this with a stranger, but he gave me a nod. Like he empathized with what I said. "They divorced?" He asked.

"No, she just left him..." My throat wobbled.

"You okay?" He asked, those deep-set brown eyes titled in my direction in concern.

"Yeah." I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. I wanted to change subjects but keep our conversation going. A sense of ease filled me in his presence, and I didn't know why.

He seemed like an open-minded and easygoing guy.

My phone buzzed, and I reached into my bag to pull it out.

Shit! It was from Saint.

I veered my head to the back and saw Saint's Lambo tailing behind. I secretly swiped left to cut the call.

"What's wrong?" He must have noticed my panic by now.

"Can we go a little faster? The stalker... is right behind us." I pleaded, clasping my fingers together.

He peeked over at the back in the rearview mirror. "The white Lambo?"

I nodded with pursed lips.

"Jeez, your stalker is a creepy rich dude, huh?" He chuckled and gave me a suspicious look. "You know the guy?"

Should I tell yes or should I tell no? "No, but he was following me." I lied, and I felt sorry for my cousin Saint for being called a creepy rich dude.

My pretty boy sighed. It was a cocky sigh. "Seems like we have to ditch him."

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Karina Vazquez
How did Saint find her again? Must be her phone, he is tracking her phone…

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