
Chapter 1974

Delainey murmured and did not say anything more.

The plane soared through the sky quickly and soon landed in Lothian.

Lothian was a country established by the Prince of Orchid Mountain.

The country was also run by an absolute autocracy where the emperor had full control.

After the two alighted the plane, they headed directly to the Lothian Palace.

When they reached the palace gates, Lothian guards barricaded their path.

“State your identities. The palace is off-limits to outsiders.”

Delainey stood up and said, “I’m Delainey from Wyrmstead. I’ve got an important matter to discuss with His Majesty.”

The guard looked at Delainey and said, “Wait here. I’ll go and report your visit.”

The two waited patiently at the palace gates.

At that moment, Langston was lying feebly in bed inside a room in the Lothian Palace’s backyard. His face was pale, and he was breathing very weakly.

Tyrus mobilized his True Energy to treat Langston’s injuries.

After a while, he stopped.


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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Idris Hamid
That time Tobias would have killed her if not for Thea involved
goodnovel comment avatar
Idris Hamid
What happened to severe injuries Maxime Thea unknowingly did not sense Maxine evil desire out of jealousy huh she regrets in end bastard

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