
Chapter 7018

The next second, the lightsaber suddenly dissipated and turned into James’ figure, sitting crossed-leg. A huge holy lotus suddenly bloomed under it.

The Three Treasure Formation appeared again.

The outburst of Qadeer's Nothingness Dead Energy spread rapidly, colliding with the Three Treasure Formation.

The Gate of Mystery was engulfed in the aftermath, causing countless cracks to appear in the space, hinting at an impending collapse.

As the shockwave dissipated, Qadeer found himself tragically suspended in the void, disheveled and spitting blood.

James was surrounded by nine holy lotuses, 49 golden light holy lotuses, and 81 Jade Blossom. He appeared sacred and transcendent, his eyes closed as if he had entered an unfamiliar state.

Qadeer gasped, his gaze fixed on James. “What kind of sorcery is this? We’re in the Gate of Mystery. Here, I am supposed to be invincible. What kind of monster are you, James? What kind of dark magic have you delved into?”

James slowly opened his eyes
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