
The History of Shape - Shifters

Maxmillian and Amelia invited Aleah into the house. Even though they didn't believe her when she claimed to be Maxmillian's elder sister. They offered her water to drink and food to eat. While she sat on the couch waiting for the couple to come and join her.

Maxmillian and Amelia began whispering to themselves, standing a bit far from her while they watched her stuff food in her mouth hungrily.

"Does she have to sit on my couch? Her clothes are dirty, she will stain my cushion." Maxmillian lamented "Why didn't you give this to her at the dining table?"

"Cushion? Is that all you can think of right now? She is your sister..."

"We are not even sure of that. How can you believe that so quickly? Did you believe her when she said you were a half-breed?" Maxmillian whispered.


"You both realize I can hear you, right? Werewolves can hear from afar. And besides, you both are just three feet away from me." Aleah intruded.

Maxmillian and Amelia felt embarrassed. They stared at her for
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