
CHAPTER 90 - Oh my baby, did I trigger your other side?


I heard my door click open while I lay in the dark. 

I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. The morbid stench of Alcohol confirmed my fears. He was here again. 

One would think he would be kind enough to come to me without drinking his wits away, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

I knew Cole was a good man. He showed me kindness by taking me in three years ago when I washed up in his territory with no idea who I was. He saved my life and gave me the Identity I had today, all the while, helping me to recover my memories while training me to discover the abilities I had within me. 

“Calla..” I heard him call, and I winced when I felt his cold hands touch me. “Don’t tell me you are asleep.” He said, and I didn’t miss the snap in his tone. 

“Cole.” I said, turning the lights on, “You’re drunk.” 


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