
Chapter 139 - A victory for them all

Nala POV


“You’re so going to lose the rematch.” Inga’s chuckle made her flinch, before the words truly registered in Nala’s mind. It was so at odds with the fear churning within her that her panic short-circuited for a moment, making her freeze. Her frenzied breath hitched, her brow furrowed, trying to comprehend the sudden change. Then the canines at her throat retracted, just enough to give her some breathing space, as the Beta dropped her voice to a whisper. “You need to go for the kill, Nala, or they could contest the win. Don’t worry. I can take it.”

Inga met her gaze, her features softening, stripping away the harsh glares and terrifying grins she had played with throughout their match. She suddenly looked more like the ally they had been working with for the past few days, more like the friend she was beginning to trust. Nala realised the change was because the woman was hiding their shared words behind a sheet of hair. Her dipped head protected them from the view of th
Sian Fleming

Sorry for the delay, it's been a busy few days! :)

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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Lucy Wehbe Saade
ahh, Michael. it was great to see him back. I feel like him and Maddie never got a good ending in the alpha games. an epilogue or something. hopefully, in this book, u can tie them all up. great to see Lewis besides Michael. maybe a book 3 with Lewis in it, hopefully?. a great chapter, by the way.
goodnovel comment avatar
Love this chapter!! Conner was FINALLY exposed to Inga’s pheromones during the challenge with Nala!! It’ll be interesting to see if Autumn is made alpha!! She is technically the oldest and if not for being female would have been heir!! I don’t trust Alex fully he’d be a good Beta
goodnovel comment avatar
Kelly Miller
such a good chapter! cant wait for more! looking forward to Connors reaction to Inga now....and for Nala and Autumn.

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