
The Catacombs

Lucius's POV

She was not ready for the information I had just given to her but I had no choice. My hands were tied. It was either I became the monster she wanted me to be and save her life or remain the gentleman she doubted me to be then ended up losing her life.

"You mentioned that Jolynn made you sign a paper so you can no longer be my wife..." I began, closing off my wolf from the pain I could feel coming from her. "So, we are going to have another ceremony, and this time, no one can separate us. No papers can nullify it."

Her eyes opened wide in shock and she looked like she was going to pass out.

"Lucius, are you crazy? Have you lost your mind?!" She cried out, her voice suddenly becoming distant as she held her head and moved away from me.

"Oh my God... Oh my God..." She whispered over and over again as she shook her head.

The force of the pain within her, flooded back at me and my wolf wanted to wrap her in my hands and tell her that everything was going to be fine but I knew
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