

Forty Four


There was nothing I desired more than this moment. The sensation of his body pressed against mine was indescribable. It was almost as if we were made for each other, every curve and angle fitting perfectly together. My entire being felt electrified by his touch. I couldn't even remember when our clothes had come off, but there I was on his bed, beneath him, eagerly waiting for him to claim me as his own. Our gazes locked, our hearts beating in unison as we both recognized the perfection of this moment.

"Freya... Are you absolutely certain about this?" Rafe's voice was soft, filled with concern.

"Yes...I want you so much, Rafe." I answered without hesitation or shame. Though I appreciated his consideration in letting me decide, my impatience was growing. I needed him now!

"Impatient are we?" He chuckled against my lips. The demon was teasing me!

He slowly shifted his weight on me, looking deep into my eyes with a mix of passion and tenderness. The moonlight was so
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