

Sixty three


Kelly's hands clamped down on my shoulders like evil vices, her nails digging painfully into my skin. I struggled against her grip, trying desperately to break free, but it was no use. Kelly was stronger than me, fueled by a rage that seemed to give her inhuman strength.

"Kelly, stop!" I cried out, my voice high and panicked. "What are you doing?"

"What I should have done a long time ago," Kelly hissed, her face inches from mine. "Getting rid of you, once and for all."

My heart froze in fear and shock. Kelly wanted to kill me. She wanted to push me off the balcony.

"Rafe!" I screamed on top of lungs, hoping Rafe would somehow hear my voice.

With a sudden, violent shove, she pushed me backwards over the balcony railing. I screamed as I fell, my arms flailing uselessly in the air. The world spun sickeningly around me, the ground rushing up to meet me at a dizzying speed.

I felt a sharp, searing pain as my head cracked against the balcony railing on the way d
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