
Pt 3. Chapter 24

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Callan kissed Kamara's lips tenderly at first, his arms going around her waist as he drew her more closer to him. She sighed into his mouth, her eyes closed.

She gave herself over to the pleasant feeling feeling he was beginning to arouse inside her.

His mouth became harder on hers, searching, seeking. Demanding.

She clung to him, seeking more contact from him, her breath going erratic. One moment, they were standing before the fireplace, the next, Kamara felt the coolness of the wall behind her back.

When he had her backed against the corner, Callan finally held nto othe last strand of the control he has. pulling back, his forehead caressed hers.

"I'm so sorry, My Lady, I was not thinking. I---"

"No, do not apologized for this, Callan, I..." she took a deep breath, "I want you. I've wanted you for

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Comments (34)
goodnovel comment avatar
Why is this a duplicate? Seriously what a waste.
goodnovel comment avatar
Anita Bondy
Refund please??? ANOTHER repeated chapter? Come on!
goodnovel comment avatar
Harriet Rennie
Wow sort it out so much repeat ...

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