
Forty Three

"Then why are you here?", I asked ascending the stairs. "That's the question I have been waiting for, your answer is behind you", he pointed. I turned and was shocked at what I saw. "Are you shocked?", he asked. "Who are you and how were you able to get in here?", I asked getting angry. "Pardon me, my name is XXX, and I am a vampire wizard who is heavily involved in technology", he replied placing waving his hand at me. "Why are you here? I asked. "I am here to help you, I got information about your sudden distress which was caused by your past enemies whom you killed, but are now alive", he replied. "So Mr. XXX, may I know how you found out about this?", I asked. "Let's call it my little secret", he whispered. "How do you plan on helping me?" I asked sitting down and kept my pistol on my lap. He sat down and crossed his legs, "I will help you find out the location of all your foes, I guess you know what to do?". "Yeah, I will send assassins to eliminate them and if possi
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