
Chapter 50

Victor's POV

I race to the spring and find the rogue brother and his brother sitting at the edge of the spring. Both of them have brown hair and dull green eyes. If it were not for their very different scents I would have difficulty telling them apart. They don't even notice me as I approach the spring. Both of them have their feet in the water and are gently kicking back and forth letting the water lap over their feet as they move. Pausing just inside the tree line I watch them for a moment. I watch as they talk to one another with huge smiles on their faces. Suddenly a memory flashes through my mind and my heart begins to ache.


"Ready, set... GO!" Alexander shouts from beside me right before he takes off running. His blonde hair shimmers as it bounces in the sunlight while he runs. Looking over his shoulder he shoots me a wide grin with all of his teeth showing. After giving him a several second head start I begin to chase my brother through the forest.

I am
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