

Pleasure shot through me and my eyes shapped open. Between my legs was Tyron, eating me like I was his last meal on earth. The effects of the heat had waned but the pleasure was still as much as it was last night. We had spent hours and hours, rigorously fucking. Not gentle lovemaking but simply satisfying our animal instincts and need to mate. Twice my wolf had taken over and there was no controlling her. She kept asking for more even when my body couldn't take it anymore. His finger slowly slid into me and I gripped his hair tighter in my hand. My screams reached the roof as he kept hitting that spot inside me until I exploded on his fingers and face. I collapsed on the bed and he climbed above me, kissing me on my mouth.

"How do you feel?"


"You need a long relaxing bath. I'll speak to Patrick about sending some herbs for relaxing"

"Okay. Let's just lay like this for now" I didn't want to leave his comforting hold just yet. In fact, I didn't want to leave anytime soo
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