
Silver Eyes

Emily effortlessly moves with the swiftness of the wind.

As a werewolf, she has recently unearthed another intriguing aspect of her nature: there seems to be no limit to her speed. This enables her to rapidly close the gap between her and her stalker. However, her pursuit culminates in seeing him vanish once again. In the fleeting moment, she glimpses his entirely black attire and his notably larger-than-life stature. The forest stands in stillness, save for the rhythm of her own heartbeat. Turning slowly, Emily conducts a deliberate scan, watching, listening for any sound out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, he materializes behind her. Swiftly turning to confront him, her fingernails extend into pointed claws, lightly grazing his skin. His reflexes match her own in speed and agility, maybe even better, because he avoids her effortlessly.

"You want to keep those to yourself," he utters, stepping back and gesturing toward her claws. Emily inhales sharply, but does not retract the claws.

His striking handsomeness shocks her, and she finds it hard to believe he is real.

The man's eyes shine with a captivating color, like silver that's very hot. They look shiny and strange, and when he looks at you, it feels like magic that pulls you in. His eyes seem like pools of shiny metal, interesting and secret, showing stories and feelings with the light.

If she thought Jack was handsome than most human males she knew, he is nothing compared to the creature standing before her, watching her as though he finds her a little intriguing.

And the only conclusion she can come up with is that werewolf males are more blessed than humans in terms of looks.

Her eyes travel over him, and he lets her have her fill of him before speaking.

"Hey, Emily."

She recoils slightly, surprised that he knows her name.

"Who are you, and why have you been watching me?" she demands sternly. "I won't even begin to ask about how you happen to know my name!"

"That's not important..."

"It is important and that's why I am asking you!" she hisses, stepping closer and narrowing her eyes at him. He may be a gorgeous man but her safety comes first.

"I have been watching you because I noticed you are a werewolf living among humans. You need to answer to that. You will come with me to the car and explain."

She has never been more confused in her life.

From what she has gathered so far, there are more werewolves in the world. She thought she was the only one, and when Jack came along, she thought there were two.

And now here is a third one. He demands to know why she lives with humans; that question can only mean that there is a place somewhere occupied only by her kind.

"That's none of your business..."

"Just a few minutes in the car, miss. I won't waste much of your time. You know it is dangerous for a young wolf like you to be on her own especially at this time, right?"

She frowns, and her nails retract immediately, because she no longer thinks the man is any threat to her.

"What do you mean 'at this time?'

"I asked you to come with me to my car. I will explain what I mean from there."

Her eyes narrow to slits, shaking her head.

"No. I won't do that. What if this is a trap? I'd have to be mad to willingly get in the car of my stalker. That would be like stepping right into the trap, and you would have your way with me."

"Don't flatter yourself," he says, his eyes sliding over her. "You are not my type."

"I still won't come with you."

"Fine," he raises a hand. "But just so you know, I am your protector, and if you decide you need my help, you will let me know."

And he vanishes yet again.

Her protector? He seems more like werewolf magician to her, because she doesn't understand how he manages to vanish into thin air. Who assigned him the job of protecting her?

He is a mystery she probably will never solve, perhaps he isn't even real and she is going to wake up to find he is another of those dreams that leave her perplexed, like the dream about the fiery headed woman.

What makes him think she will ever need his help? Her protector; what in the name of the lord is that even?

As she turns around to leave, she realizes that she misses his presence already, and that surprises her.

But then her emotions have been all over the place since the death of her parents.

She gets back home, only to be greeted by a suspicious scent the moment she gets to the door of her trailer.

Trembling slightly and praying that she should be mistaken, she follows the scent to her room and her heart breaks into a million pieces at the sight on her bed.

Jack has returned, and he is lying on her bed, naked, with a blonde woman on top of him, bumping up and down his erect manhood.

Of all places he could have cheated on her from, he chose her room.

Waves of pain so intense she wonders if it has come to claim her life, wash through her.

"Jack! What the hell are you doing?" she screams, the hurt evident in her voice, and her scream draws his attention, as well as that of the girl riding him.

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