
There's nothing to tell

Lancelot continued to stare at the door his parents had just walked out from. Still trying to make sense of all that they had said. Deep down, Lancelot knew that even if he spent the whole day in this study, trying to understand why they had not told him earlier, he still wouldn't get it.

With that, he decided not to bother. The only thing that was worth his time now was preparing for the ordeals ahead of him. He turned towards his table and was about to settle into his chair, before his door opened.

Lancelot groaned mentally, while thinking of what Madeline wanted to add to the list of shocking things she had said today.

But, his frown dissolved lightly when he saw Butler Lee instead. Lancelot wanted to smile, but he was not met by Lee's usual wink. Instead, the man had an urgent and worried look on his face. Lancelot's brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed at the man, why did he look so scared?


"I am very sorry for barging in on you, your grace..."

"Okay, but..."

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