
55. Clear mind.

Amber’s eyebrows were furrowed when she heard that and she clenched her fist tightly.

She had a deep frown on her face and Brna noticed that.

Amber gritted her teeth before she finally said, “I have no place to go.”

She said in a slowly voice that almost came out as a whisper.

Her voice was rough deep and filled with pain.

When Bryan heard that, his smile dimmed a well, he was smart enough to sense that something was wrong and something must have happened to her.

So he said sighed and sat beside her, “I know it sucks to have no place to go to, to have no one want you and throw you away like garbage.

It feels like shit to have no place that you can call your own and it feels worse when your home becomes hell and your family becomes strangers.”

Amber looked at him, he really described perfectly what Amber was feeling.

She sighed and said, “Has Ashely told you anything about me?”

“Other than the fact that she loves you way too much and that she can doe for you and that she wan
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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
DeAnna Phillips
I knew it. Now let's hope Ashley can save them all.
goodnovel comment avatar
Ese Nam
Oh la la. Victor, sophy, Dean get ready for the alpha sisters ar coming for you nd it won't be funny becos they hav 2 strong brothers as mates by their sides

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