


Electric white fire feelings rocket through my body, almost blinding me with pleasure. My toes curl, my body tightening around him. His hips thrust in, almost sporadically, desperately as we kiss hard one more time before that feeling of intensity feels every f***ing nerve in my body.

And my body can’t stop shaking.

Ezra collapses on top of me, panting so hard I think he’s going to have a heart attack. He wrapped his hand around me and he started to snore softly.

He starts to kiss me, softly, sweetly, tugging at my lips with his.

He cups my breast, brushes the nipple with his thumb.

I reach down and stroke myself where all the sweat gathers, where the smell of my sex is strongest. I stroke it and then lick my fingers and stroke it some more.

He gently bites my top lip, sucks it. Tugs at my nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.

I feel it harden.

I feel him harden.

I feel myself getting wet.

I wet my finger, run it up the lips of my pussy and imagine it’s his
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