
Chapter 3

Arabella's POV

The voice behind me sent a jolt of surprise through my body, and I turned to face the mysterious stranger who had caught me off guard.

My heart pounded in my chest as the man's piercing gaze bore into me, his grip on my hand getting stronger.

His scent alone was something that could make me fall to my feet and kiss his. I could feel the intensity of his presence, and in his eyes, I saw a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, as if he were unraveling the secrets hidden within my soul.

"Answer me before I alert the Alpha! Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I-I…" I was about to come up with a lie when I heard the footsteps of the what seems to be drunken Alpha's men.

"Shit!" I cursed inside me and I tried to think of an escape route.

Breaking free from this man was not an option as he held me tightly. As the voices for closer, the man's questions increased and I remembered a scene from a movie I watched. 

"I can't believe I'm considering this!" I said and immediately pulled the man into the corner and kissed him. I could feel the surprise on him as my actions surprised both of us, and the suddenness of the kiss causing him to momentarily loosen his grip on me.

The taste of his lips was electrifying, a mix of mint and something uniquely his own. I poured every ounce of desperation and urgency into that kiss, hoping to create a diversion that would keep us hidden from the approaching men and luckily it worked.

"Sorry, Alpha Asher. We didn't mean to interrupt," the men said after they saw us and immediately turned around.

As our lips parted, he stared at me, his eyes wide with shock and confusion. "What... what was that?"

"Sorry," I stammered, my voice trembling after hearing I just kissed Alpha Asher- one of the famous Alphas in the neighborhood. "I am sorry for kissing you, I had to, and I am also sorry for doing this," I said and immediately ran out of him.

I finally navigated my way out of the packhouse, the moon casting an ethereal glow as I slipped away with my senses on high alert.

The encounter with the drunken Alpha still lingered in my mind, but I couldn't afford to dwell on it now. First, I left the pack house which would have severe consequences if Nick found out, then the Alpha I punched. Not to mention the breathtaking kiss....urghh!

As I reached the door to my room, a wave of relief washed over me. I pushed it open and stepped inside, closing it behind me. The room was small, but it offered me a sanctuary, a place where I could gather my thoughts and regain my composure.

I couldn't help but replay the events of the night in my mind, especially the unexpected encounter with Alpha Asher, the kiss that had been both impulsive and necessary.

I bit my lower lip, tracing my index finger on it. And before I knew it, the taste of his lips lingered on mine, igniting a fire within me that I hadn't felt before.

I shook my head, knowing I couldn't let myself be consumed by such distractions. My survival depended on staying focused, on staying one step ahead of the dangers that threatened me at every turn.

With a sigh, I pushed the kiss to the back of my head, then headed to take bath and changed into more comfortable clothes before crawling into bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on my eyelids. But sleep proved elusive as my thoughts continued to drift back to that stolen moment with Alpha Asher. "Why won't I stop thinking about the kiss?" I screamed into my pillow.

The more I tried to push the memory aside, the more it consumed my thoughts. I couldn't deny the magnetic pull I felt toward him, even though it went against everything i currently wanted.

Eventually, exhaustion overcame me, and I drifted into an uneasy sleep, dreams filled with flashes of Alpha Asher's piercing eyes, the taste of his lips, and the feeling of his body on mine.

I woke up the next morning, groggy from my restless sleep. After a quick shower and getting dressed, I made my way to the bustling packhouse. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with the sound of voices filled the air.

The pack members were already hard at work, attending to their various tasks. As an omega, my role involved cleaning and assisting with the pack's housework... something I learned to do the hard way.

As I settled into my corner, I couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversation from the workers nearby. Gossip traveled quickly within the pack, especially among the workers and it seemed that I was involved in one of them.

"I heard a worker refused to sleep with an Alpha last night." One lady said and her partner gasped.

"Do you know who it could be? And why will she turn him down?” Someone else chipped in.

"It could be Arabella, she's the only one who refuses the omega life even though she's now one. She seems to forget her family has been overthrown and the current Alpha is not her father,” she stated, giving me a dirty look.

Unable to continue hearing them sprout nonsense, I walked out, fear gripping me and I hoped the Alpha didn't cause more trouble for me. Would he even recognize me?

Lost in thoughts I didn't hear the Madame tapping me and that led to a loud slap landing on my right cheek.

"Arabella! What are you doing here you foolish girl? Go and serve the food to the Alpha. He's waiting!" She ordered and I rubbed my stinging cheek.

"Do you want another slap, or you're deaf?!" She growled again and I left after forcing a smile with a nod.

Every time after a feast, he would always make me serve him and the other Alphas to mock me and degrade me.

I walked to the kitchen, grabbed the tray, and after balancing myself, I walked to his office, slow and steady, trying not to spill his coffee.

"Even my father didn't get his food delivered to him like this," I muttered, feeling angry.

As I was about to knock and enter the office, I heard my name and I froze in my tracks.

"It is her, Arabella, daughter of the former Alpha. She was the one who attacked me," the voice said and I believed it belonged to the drunken Alpha from last night.

"Arabella? She is not capable of doing something like Alpha Ron. Are you sure you haven't mixed her up with someone else? From the injury, it doesn't seem like something Arabella can do." Nick said and Alpha Ron lashed out.

"Are you calling me a liar?"

I stood there, frozen in the hallway, my heart pounding in my chest. The realization that they were discussing me and accusing me of attacking Alpha Ron sent shockwaves through my entire being.

It was true that I encountered him last night, but I hadn't harmed him. I only acted in self-defense, trying to protect myself from his drunken rage and lust!

"No, Alpha Ron, I'm not calling you a liar," Nick's voice replied calmly. "I'm simply stating that Arabella, the daughter of the former Alpha, is not known for her aggression. There must be some mistake."

"I don't make mistakes, Nick," Alpha Ron growled, his voice dripping with anger. "I know what I saw. And I know that it was her."

Doubt and fear gnawed at my insides. If Alpha Ron was determined to pin the blame on me, I knew the consequences would be severe. The punishment for attacking an Alpha, even if it was a misunderstanding, could result in banishment or worse. And in this case, it won't be any. Nick would just make my life a living nightmare.

"I believe our deal is off, Alpha Nick. The peace between our packs has been dissolved. I will not make peace with a pack whose omegas disrespect an Alpha like me!” Alpha Ron declared.

"No please, do not do that Alpha. Let us agree Arabella is the one who attacked you, what punishment would you like to give her?" Alpha Nick asked and I held my breath, waiting for a bomb to drop.

"I want her life!" Alpha Ron demanded and I stepped back in fear, blood draining from my body.

As Alpha Ron's words echoed through the hallway, my world came crashing down around me. The weight of his proclamation pressed heavily upon my shoulders, squeezing the air out of my lungs.

The demand for my life sent a chilling wave of terror coursing through my veins, leaving me paralyzed with fear.

As the voices continued to argue, I made a split-second decision. I couldn't afford to wait and be caught in the crossfire. I turned and saw a fellow worker. I asked her to help me take in the food and she did.

Meanwhile, I walked away, my steps as fast as possible, my mind racing to find an escape route. Panic fueled my every movement, urging me to put as much distance between myself and the impending danger as I could.

I darted through the hallways of the packhouse, my heart pounding in my ears. Sweat trickled down my brow, and a knot of anxiety tightened in my stomach. I needed to find a way out, immediately.

As I reached the back exit, my hands trembled as I pushed open the heavy door. The fresh air hit me like a wave, providing a brief respite from the suffocating atmosphere of the packhouse. I stepped outside, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of pursuit.

I went to my room and grabbed a few essential supplies and valuables, then I dashed out unnoticed, my footsteps quick and determined.

With each passing moment, the distance between me and the packhouse grew, but the fear still clung to my every step and just when I thought I was safe, fate found a way to tell me I wasn't.

"There she is! Catch her, by the orders of the Alpha!"

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