
Exile - 26

I sat in my office, my fingers laced together and holding my chin. I should question Michael about the events of this morning, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Part of me was afraid Mario might be right. Michael was responsible. The other part recognizes that I am all over the place. I can’t let anyone see me like this. No way would anyone call me a capable luna if I was one minute yelling like a psycho then sobbing the next.

Closing my eyes, I took slow, deep breaths. I relaxed when I heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” I said, opening my eyes and sitting up straight.

Koreyon walked in, expression serious. “Luna, I was wondering if you would walk with me?” My brow furrowed, but before I could ask, he silently moved his head from side to side.

“Of course.” I follow

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