
Chapter 91

Ares' pov

I clenched my fists to keep from slamming them against Jason's face as he eyed Tabitha up.

He was fucking getting married.

“Assistant,” I filled in for him.

The words sounded very bitter in my throat because deep down, I wanted her to be more but I couldn't risk it.

I couldn't tell if it was the satisfied smile on Jason's lips or the unbothered smile Tabitha returned to him that made my blood boil more.

I was about to lead her upstairs when we were interrupted.

“Look who it is,” his annoying voice made my muscles stiffen.

I turned around to see the big shit-eating grin on his face.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” I growled angrily at the sight of my half-brother.

He wasn't even close to Jason and I knew without being told that he was up to no good.

He always was.

His eyes left mine and raked Tabitha's body and desire filled them.

Why did she have to wear those goddamn sexy shorts?

I growled lowly and pushed her behind my back and away from his predatory stare.

She didn't
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