

Alessia didn't say anything until they got to her place, so the drive back to Las Vegas was long and quiet. As she stepped out of the car and proceeded towards her apartment, she didn't even bother to look at Duncan.

She knelt to look beneath the flower pot, assuming Zelda had put the key there for her, and she was correct. She walked in after opening the door.

She let the tears stream down her cheeks. She couldn't believe how much her life had altered since meeting Marcus. She had assumed that what they had would last a long time, if not an eternity, but Marcus didn't appear to think so, as he didn't seem to have the least trust in her.

Her perception of Marcus shifted the minute he told Duncan to take her away. Even if he believed she had done something wrong, it didn't explain his extreme coldness and contempt toward her. For crying out loud, he didn't even attempt to believe her! How could he do that? Worse, he had stated that she was a mistake. She thought she was supposed to be
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