
145-A scorned Woman.


I didn’t know why I approached her room until I saw her. It was because I knew the sight of her—safe, under my roof and belonging to me—would calm my raging thoughts and send them into hiding.

It worked, until it didn’t.

Eudora succeeded in stirring something beyond anger inside of me. So much that it hurt. In my painfully hard dick and somewhere in my heart.

Especially as I realized that what she had for me when she saw the blood was true concern.

It wasn’t just a chore for her or a duty she was sworn by but true worry. It was etched in her features. Her pupils had dilated and the specks of brown inside of them had been even brighter

It was laced in her voice with the way she scolded me like I was a fucking child. I simmered down before I realized it and let her guide me like I was strong enough to break all the bones in her body.

She’d been genuinely worried and I hated and liked it at the same time. I hated it because who she worried about wasn’t truly me. I liked it
Littlest Writer

Hmm…I smell drama👀 Leticia isn’t just going to leave, is she? And Eudora as bait? Will they really capture our mysterious rogue this way?

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