
Come With Me


Silently, I slipped back into my room, the early morning light casting a gentle glow across the space. The stillness of the hour ensured that there were no prying eyes to question my movements. As I stepped inside, a sense of eerie normalcy greeted me. My room appeared untouched as if the events of the previous night were mere figments of my imagination. Zander had my room settled to its previous condition. But try as I might, I couldn't erase the haunting image of Lola's blood-covered body from my mind.

Perching myself upon the bed, I contemplated the next step of my plan. My duties in the kitchen would soon demand my attention. But I had a few moments to collect my thoughts.

A gentle knock broke the concentration, rousing me from my contemplation. With slow and measured steps, I crossed the room and swung the door open. Blair stood before me, her face etched with a combination of fear and concern.

She spoke, her voice laced with regret, "Selena, are you alright? I wanted
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