
Chapter 58-valen

Dadian wakes us up at the crack ass of dawn. Thankfully, I'm used to being up early. Who thought Alpha training would also train me for a newborn? I get up and grab my son from his bassinet to the changing table we have set up in our room.

Wren gets up and heads to the bathroom. Her bladder still hasn't fully recovered from Dadian using it as his personal punching bag and pillow. I don't envy her or any female for that matter. They are amazing for bringing life into the world but I certainly don't want the trouble that comes with it.

Dadian chews on his hand clearly annoyed that there isn't a nipple in his mouth while I change him. I'm not fast enough and he starts fussing at me.

How to quickly change a diaper was definitely not part of Alpha training. After all, that's all I've ever trained for. My father made sure I knew everything there was to being an Aloha Supreme.

I promised myself when Dadian was born that I would be hands-on with him and that I wouldn't treat him like
Birdy Rivers

Here's one chapter. I will get a couple more out over the weekend. Thank you for being patient with me. hopefully, my baby dragons(my kids) are corporative and I can get several chapters out, but kids are unpredictable creatures. Thank you for the gems, reviews, and your readership it means a lot to me.

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