
Wherefore Art Thou Juliette?

They continued walking through the forest, stopping every now and then, to listen for any sound, but only the ominous silence pressed all around. Zeke stayed close behind her, he had no idea where they were going but she moved with a confidence that told him that she knew where she was going. They were nearing the edge of the forest when he stopped her, taking her hand in his. 

"We've reached the pack border. Where are we going?"

"The cemetery", she whispered, without looking at him. 

"How do you know she's there?"

"I just know"

Her eyes were distant, staring off into the gloom, as though she could somehow see the cemetery from here. Zeke felt like grabbing her and shaking her to wake her up from her zombie-like trance. 

"Is it the Ancestors? Have they taken her?", he already knew the answer to that but he asked her anyway. 


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