
Chapter 49 - There would be no getting out.


I SAT THERE GAPING AT HUNTER. I couldn’t believe he had actually changed his mind. I was hoping if he bit me and I turned I wouldn’t be so scared anymore because I would be able to protect myself more. I was also hoping that since these attacks were happening because I was human, they would stop the moment I was no longer a human.

I was hoping for a lot, I know, but if we didn’t have hope, what did we have? It would mean that I would be bound to Hunter for the rest of my life, so if it didn’t work, there would be no out. No divorce and I’m free … I was being paranoid. Why on earth would I ever want to leave Hunter?! My fears were NOT going to ruin the best thing I had in my life. I loved Hunter more than anything. I just had to keep my eye on the ball. Breathing in deeply, I looked into his eyes.

“I want to mark you with every fiber of my being, Irina. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, but I don’t want to do it if you might die.” His eyes filled with tears as he said it and I jumped up
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