
Chapter 133

Aurora’s POV

I had taken the herbs the seer had mixed for me and yet I didn't feel any different. My hands trembled as I put the little cup of tea into my mouth but nothing happened.

Maybe it was a bad omen, maybe I should have done something else with these herbs before I brought them to my room- Alexis room, maybe there really was some kind of curse on them…or maybe it would be better if it wasn't. Maybe I was just cursed.

My mind ran on the endless possibilities of things that could go wrong in my life and I sat silently on my bed for hours thinking about the consequences when a knock came at the door. I thought about going to the bathroom or pretending not to know who the visitor was so they would leave. However, I knew it wasn't my imagination.

The knocks were too hard, too authoritative. I went to open the door and there stood the person who had been in my dreams for weeks now- the almost good. His dark eyes seemed to be filled with anger. I gulped. “Yes?” I asked.

He said n
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