


As I stepped into my house, I let out a deep sigh. The weight of the events of the day was still heavy on my chest. All I wanted to do was change into something comfortable and get back to Zavier's house to help with the investigation.

But as I was heading to my room, my phone rang. It was my mum. I hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to answer. But I knew she would worry if I didn't, so I took a deep breath and answered.

"Hey, Mum," I said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

"River, honey, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm good, just tired," I replied.

"That's not the River I know. What's going on? Is everything okay?" she pressed.

I bit my lip. I didn't want to lie to my mum, but I also didn't want to worry her.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I just had a long day," I said, hoping she would drop it.

But my mum wasn't convinced. "Are you sure? You," she said.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm sure, Mum. It's just work stuff. You know how it is."

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