
Chapter 91

He gave me a slight smirk and dabbed his finger to his right temple, “Great minds think alike, aren’t we so similar now?”

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Why did I even bother asking? Knowing him, he’d do whatever he wants without thinking of the consequences anyway. I didn’t want to stay long in our spot anymore so I told him to follow me up to my room.

After I jumped towards my room, I looked down at him and noticed that he was still there like an idiot, he looked uneasy and unsure if he would follow me. My forehead knitted, how long is he going to make me wait?

“Aren’t you coming?”

“You’re not trying to kill me again, are you?” He says with a look of doubt. “Last time I jumped, a huge ass sofa came my way.”

I let out a light chuckle. So that’s what he’s worried about, well he looked sincere when he said that he didn’t tell on me so I should give him a second chance.

“Get in before I change my mind.” I was about to turn around but he

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