


"You are pregnant and you don't even know it."

Reign felt like she had been struck by lightning after hearing those words.

She was pregnant.

The words kept rolling in her head, hitting several corners of her mind and shaking feelings she didn't know she was capable of feeling all at once. All the colour in her face had drained and her heart was beginning to pick its pace. She stared at Alpha Kai, completely dumbfounded.

"Excuse me, what?" She asked, to make sure she had heard right. Their eyes locked and something passed between them. Her anxiety grew with each passing second.

"You are pregnant, Reign." Alpha Kai announced yet again. Reign's gaze shifted from him as she focused on a far corner of the room. So many things were running through her mind.

The words kept ringing in her head and that's when the reason for Alpha Kai asking about her full moon period finally clicked in her mind. They had been having unprotected sex and she had lost track of her periods b
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