
Chapter 5


I made my way towards the room where the lady waited for me. Oscar stood beside me. I could tell how nervous he was. He wanted this to work out well even more than I did.

"Try to smile, your majesty" Oscar said.

I scoffed "Why should I? This is your idea. I have no reason to smile or pretend to be happy about this"

I wasn't enthusiastic about this meeting. I just wanted to get it over with. I already knew what I was going to say. I would tell her about the mating arrangements. If she agreed to it then everything would be set. We would set a date later.

"You don't want to scare her off, do you?" Oscar teased.

"I don't care about what she thinks of me. She should consider it a privilege to be in my presence and to be considered for such a position. Do you know how many women would kill to be Luna?"

"I know, your highness. I just want things to go well that's all. Try to be nice"

"I'm not promising anything. I'll be myself. She can take it or leave it. If she doesn't like it, we'll find someone else. There are plenty women out there"

I left Oscar in the hallway and walked towards the room. When I got in, I scanned the place for the girl. And then, I saw her. Oscar had spoken highly of her. He told me how beautiful she was yet his words failed to prepare me for the vision that stood before me.

Her beauty was breathtaking. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her shoulder. Her skin was a radiant, porcelain-like complexion. She literally glowed under the chandelier light. Her eyes were a deep, piercing shade of brown. If I looked at them deep enough, I just might get lost. Her eyes drew me in. She looked at me as if she could see inside my soul.

She had on a red dress that brought out her curves. Her waist was slim and her hips were a bit wide. I could see her cleavage too. Her boobs were just the right size. Her body was perfect. I had the urge to turn her to the wall and pull up that red dress. I wanted to see what was underneath it and I'm sure I'd like what I'll see.

But it wasn't just her physical appearance that captivated me. Her very presence seemed to exude a sensual energy. It was something I couldn't put my finger on but I felt it. There was a force between us, a connection. I felt it like a jolt of electricity. The connection ignited a fire within me. My body awoken at the sight of her. I was drawn to her. Everything seemed to move in slow motion.

I'm pretty sure I looked like a freak. I couldn't help but stare at her in awe. I stood straight, composing myself. 

"Come forward," I commanded, my voice firm.

To my surprise, she didn't move. Not even a twitch. I felt a bit irritated.

Why wasn't she moving?

Did she not know who I was? Did she not understand the power I wielded?

"I said come forward," I repeated

And then, she spoke "You could be a little more polite, you know"

Her voice was like music. It was soft and sweet. I could listen to her talk all day. Despite liking her voice, I was annoyed.

Who was this woman, to dare address me in such a manner?

I was taken aback by her guts, her audacity. No one spoke to me like that, not even my most trusted advisors, talk less of a woman. Yet, here she was, standing before me with a fiery spark in her eyes.

I took a step closer "You dare to question my manners?"

She didn't flinch, didn't back down. Instead, she met my gaze head-on "I'm just telling you that courtesy goes a long way"

I felt a growl rising in my throat, but I pushed it down. I felt the need to exert my dominance but I didn't want to seem too domineering.

"Come closer,," I commanded "It's an order from your Alpha"

She obeyed. Her graceful strides closed up the distance between us. When she got closer to me, I was in awe. I realized she was even more beautiful up close. Her features were delicate. I noticed her high cheekbones and luscious lips.

"You should address me with respect,," I said.

"Oh, I'll show you respect," she replied, her voice laced with sarcasm, "When you show me the exact same respect in return."

I scoffed, taken aback by her nerve. "You're nothing but an insignificant little fly. Don't forget your place. I'm your king."

Her eyes flashed with anger "And you're a bully. Surely, you've never been taught manners before. If you weren't so devilishly handsome, I would have left this room already."

I tried to speak, but she just kept talking. She babbled on about it being her birthday, and how she wasn't supposed to be there, but I couldn't make sense of it. All I knew was that I was drawn to her. I watched her lips as she talked. They looked so small, so luscious. I wanted to know how they tasted.

Without thinking, I stepped forward and pressed my lips to hers, silencing her up complete. The kiss was meant to be a show of dominance, but as our mouths touched, I felt a jolt of attraction. Her lips were soft and inviting, and I found myself deepening the kiss, lost in the sensation.

Lorraine's hands pushed against my chest, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she kissed me back, her tongue tangling with mine in a dance of mutual desire. I couldn't deny the spark that had ignited between us.

As we broke apart, gasping for air, I realized that this woman would most likely be the death of me. She was a force to be reckoned with, and I was intrigued.

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