
Fourty-Eight : Watch!

"You are mine!"

"I am coming for you."

"If killing everyone around you is needed just to have you in my arms, I won't think twice to do it."

He laugh maniacally as I ran as fast as I can,

"Cailly!" Someone called out for me and I woke up gasping in air, looking around me and I saw Calix looking worried as hell of me. 

I hug him tight and hold on tighter on him. 

"Sshh, it's okay, it's just a dream."

"He's coming for me, I'm scared." I choke out and sobs in his chest.

"You don't have to be scared, I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you." He kiss the top of my hair as he caress my back soothingly.

"He will kill you all, I won't let that happen." I sobs.

"No one will ever touch you or your family, no one. I promise."

"I believe you." I look up at


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