
Chapter 25

Chapter 25

"Who the hell is he?"


Romero's pov

The air in the room hung thick with tension. I stood before Kingdom, my shadow falling long and imposing on the rogue who was lying on the red floor.

The floor, as it was, was stained with black spots. I knew it was as a result of dried blood.

My eyes, sharp and determined, locked onto kingdom, searching for the slivers of fear, the cracks in his washed facade. Kingdom returned the gaze, his expression stoic, a mask that hid the storm brewing within.

He seemed to have recovered from what happened earlier.

"Leila," I began, my voice a low rumble, "tell me where she is."

Kingdom scoffed a dry, humorless sound. "You think I know? You think I'm a saint, a knight in shining armor who'd share secrets with the likes of you?"

"you're a criminal," I retorted, my tone unwavering. "Your kind is always playing for higher stakes, always bound by loyalty to a higher power. Who's the one pulling the strings, kingdom? Tell me." I yelled.

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