
Chapter 118: Aria's Family


Aria had just mentioned that she had a little magic that could lead her back to the rest of her kind - the fairies. The prospect of her leaving me and living her life saddened me because I was just beginning to realize how valuable she was to me and how she was also a good friend. Despite my sadness though, I was glad she could still find her way home despite all these years but more importantly because going home to her kind could also mean the prospect of me reuniting with my parents.

"Aria, are you sure one of your fairy family could point me in the direction of my parents?" I asked anxiously.

"I am almost certain Baela, we fairies always keep a good record". Aria said, almost carefree. She was back to enjoying herself ones again.

"That's good enough for me. I wish we could go now but I cannot. I am this close to having Alpha Abbadon admit his love for me". I said torn in two.

"I believe so too. It you are only patient enough I believe you can have both!" Aria said reassurin
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