

Chapter 154


Dorian's POV.

I got out, and unexpectedly I came across a maid, the one Daciana was so suspicious about. I gaze at her fiercely like she had hidden something I wanted to know so eagerly.

“My lord” she greeted while prostrating downward.

“What's your name again?” I asked after thinking for a while, but couldn't remember her name.

“Avalon, that's my name sir” she replied while bowing her head.

“Ooh, where are you heading to right now?” I asked her curiously.

“I'm about to go check on Luna, she seemed unwell, and I am worried,” she offered, and I had no choice but to soften my gaze on her. I could feel the affection and dedication she has.

“Okay, please keep her safe before I come back” I replied and with that, I sped off.

I needed the physician and as of the moment he was at the far eastern gate of the kingdom. How will I get to him on short notice kept on revolving around my mind over and over again?

“Hey you, get me a horse” I shouted quickly at a stand by a
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