

Chapter 18

* Dolph's POV *

" Are things still going as planned? " I asked with a worried look on as I watched Luna Daciana sip from her golden cup slowly.

" Well, No one to fall in my traps anymore, seems they relented knowing it could be their doom," She said with a little smirk on.

" So, what are we going to do now? " I asked.

" We make them... We make them fall into our traps " She replied with an evil chuckle.

" Get him for me in an enclosed place. Dorian's guard " She said.

" Things are about to go bloody " She smirked and I nodded and then with a little bow, I vanished out of sight.


I watched as he walked around the barn store, supervising the grains alone, I looked around and no one was in sight.

I was in my invisible form but I knew he could sense a presence lurking around him.

He drew out his sword at once and I vanished to appear behind him.

" Who's the.. "

Before he could finish his statement, I dragged him with an invisible force into a little spaced store and had his eyes blinded and then a gag to his mouth, and only his muffled screams could be heard.

I smirked lightly as I shut the door with a wave of my hand and then disappeared out of sight.

I appeared in Luna Daciana's room again and I met her at the same spot.

" Done? " She asked and I nodded.

Without standing, we both vanished and appeared inside the little store where he was all tied up.

Luna Daciana waved her fingers before him, with blue flames emitting from her hands and the gag went off and he could see again.

His eyes almost popped off their sockets when he saw Luna Daciana before her.

" W... Luna.. "

Luna Daciana muted his mouth with a snap of her fingers and then shut her eyes.

A few seconds after, she opened them and her eyes switched to blue for barely a second before they went back their r normal color and the guard slumped to the floor.

Luna Daciana got on her feet and dusted her hands. " Our work here is done. He won't remember a thing that happened here " She said with a smirk.

" What's next? " I asked. " We wait," She said with a smirk on and I raised my brows confusedly but she gave no reply and at once, we both disappeared into the thin air.

* Dorian's POV *

" I don't know, we searched ever fvcking where for him but we can't reach him. I even tried to mind-link him but nothing" Caddel said and I sighed for the umpteenth time.

" Conri doesn't go nowhere, alright? He doesn't do things without informing me, something happened " I sighed once again.

" Get the old monk," Adalwolf said in my head with a scoff and it was then I remembered I had someone who could sense things in me.

" Adalwolf, can you sense danger anywhere? Is he okay? Or where is he? " I asked at once, in my head.

" He's in a little store in the barn stores. You owe me one loser " He said and then went off again.

I raised my head to Caddel and Kaden at once with a raised brow.

" Barn stores," I said and at o,n,ce, we all super speed out of my lounge.

After going through every store in the palace, we finally found him looking lifeless on the floor where he was.

" Oh my! " Caddel gasped and made to rush to him but I pull him back at once.

" There's something, a kind of aura around him," I said, I could sense it.

" Dark aura? " Kaden asked with raised brows.

" Strangely it's not, " I said and wondering how I was feeling weirdly as my head kept banking.

I snapped the close at once and her face appeared in my head. Luna Daciana?

I didn't know I had said that out loud, I only realized when they both snapped their head to me.

" She did this? " They asked unbelievably.

" I don't know. something's wrong " I muttered.

" Old monk! " I called in my head and at once, he appeared.

" Old monk " Caddel and Kaden bowed lightly and he smiled at them.

" What do you need me for My Lord? " He asked.

" You know why I called you here. What's wrong with him? " I asked and he turned away from me and bent slightly before Dolph.

He laid his hands almost on his body but not touching him. He shut his eyes and then opened them and his eyes twitched to a white color within a second before they went to their original color.

" He's fine now," He said as he stood up.

" I know. What happened? Why did I feel a strange aura around him? " I asked.

" He was possessed," He said and we all raised our brows.

" Who? Who did it? Why? " Caddel asked at once and instead of replying Old Monk looked at me and Kaden raised his brows.

" He did it? "

" Who did you see when you shut your eyes? " He asked.

" Luna Daciana? " I asked unsurely and he nodded slowly.

" Why? Why's she doing this? She was the one who switched the potion right? " I asked at once and Caddel and Kaden glanced at me at once, wondering how o had that thought.

Adalwolf told me but I was still doubting.

" Well yeah, she wants revenge," He said, making me confused more.

" Revenge? For what? Why? I mean.. "

" That. I can't say. She's more powerful than I am Dorian " He said, getting me all confused again.

He moved closer to me and then right beside me. " What happened to your powers Dorian? " He asked in my head.

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