
024 | Trust Nobody

Aurora’s POV

I wasn’t sure what reaction I’d expected from Ethan, if any, but it certainly wasn’t the hurt that lashed across his face. Like sudden, heavy rain, his expression darkened.

“She did?”

I nodded. Guilt ate me up inside, but I couldn’t let it show. I’d dug this hole for myself; it was my responsibility to deal with the consequences. With nothing else to go on, and nowhere to go but down, I picked up my shovel again and carried on digging.

“She told me that… that your ex-wife died in mysterious circumstances.”

His eyes narrowed. “She what?”

I gulped. I’d have to make this up to Zoe somehow. “She just said that things ended badly between the two of you, and then, a few months later, she died. A lot of people think you killed her,” I blurted out, realising how stupid I was being only after it was too late.

“A lot of people think I killed my ex-wife?” A muscle ticked in his jaw. “A lot of people? And Zoe told you this?”

“Yes. You were right; we do know each other.” Better to ad
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