
048 | Zoe Confesses

Aurora’s POV

The world kept turning, but I stayed still. Everything tilted on its axis. My mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out of it.

What was there to say?

Zoe and Ethan. Ethan and Zoe. Zoe and Ethan…

“I’m so sorry,” Zoe whispered, her eyes filling with tears. “I just couldn’t bear to think about what might have happened today, if you’d – you know – and if I’d never told you the truth.”

Still I said nothing. Blood rushed in my ears. My heartbeat echoed in my fingertips.

And Violet howled. I’d never heard her make a sound like that before. It was a howl of mourning, of betrayal. I didn’t quieten her. I let the noise roll through me like the tolling of a death bell.

“I never meant for it to happen, Ror, you have to believe me,” she went on, still in that same hushed, shamed whisper. “We were drunk, and sad, and missing you, and it just happened one night.”

“Missing me.” My voice came out flat, sucked dry of all emotion. “You were missing me.”

“We were,” she hissed, pushing he
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