
Chapter 45 - Royal Guests At The Almandine Duchy

Miriam stood by Harriet's side, standing on the far side of the main staircase. Her arms were tightly entwined with Harriet's and her eyes stared at the group that had come on horseback and a plain horse-drawn carriage.

"From now on, Miriam," Harriet whispered to her sister-in-law. "Every time we go out of our room, we have to wear beautiful jewelry and dresses."

Miriam still didn't understand why Harriet had asked her to be so overdressed. They looked pretty, but they were not partying or attending a special event or something, right?

When Miriam saw the clothes the Old Duke and Heath were wearing, she was even more surprised because both of them were wearing the regular clothes they wore every day.

Not saying they wore simple clothes, no. The clothes the Old Duke and Heath were wearing were clothes fit for royalty even, but not as extravagant as what Miriam and Harriet were wearing.

But in the end, Miriam decided to go along with her sister-in-law's words. Heath also told her
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