
I’m not the same person I was back then

Arabella’s POV

As Margret sat there, her wrists bound with silver, I couldn’t help but wonder what my father would have done in this situation. Had she been someone we hadn’t known, it would have been easier. Or at least I think it would have.

‘Do whatever it takes to keep you, and this pack safe.’ Those words once again flittering through my mind.

Leo may not be a part of my pack officially, but once this was over, I’d make sure he was. Along with Susie and Sara should they agree.

Margaret appeared surprisingly composed, but that composure wouldn’t last long. No longer would she view me as a fragile, innocent woman once this is over. No, if she survives, she’d fear me.

My gaze shifted towards Susie, who meticulously fastened chains to the base of Margaret's chair. A sense of satisfaction radiated from her once she completed the task.

A knock came from the door before it swung open. The guard from earlier wheeled in a tray of instruments covered with a white cloth. Thanking him, he tu
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