
The Alpha's Rose - Chapter 5


            “Hi, welcome to Patty’s Diner. I’m Rose, and I’ll be your server today. Can I get you all something to drink?” I ask with a small smile as I look up at my table.

            “I don’t want a drink, but I’ll take your number, gorgeous.” A male voice on the right says with a snicker and his friends chuckle along with him.

            “Sorry, I don’t date customers. Drinks, gentlemen?”

            “Oh, I don’t want a date, just a quick fuck will suffice. Getting a break soon?” He replies lewdly at me, and I sigh in frustration. At least he didn’t say it loudly and catch Maddie’s attention. I don’t need her to overhear overt sexual comments directed at me.

            “Sir, I am going to have to ask you to leave if you keep saying things that are inappropriate.” I say as I look the customer in the eye. I know my face is set grimly and coldly. The guy who has propositioned me couldn’t be older than 18 with dirty blond hair and light brown eyes. He’s a big guy but with no real muscle definition. Still, he could easily overpower me, so I am keeping my guard up.

            “Oooh, did I strike a nerve? I like the feisty ones. Why don’t you just give in? I know you want it,” he says as he licks his lips in satisfied anticipation. What is it with some men? Thinking if they give you just the slightest bit of attention, you’ll drop your panties and bend over for them. Ugh. Gross.

            I sigh in frustration. This is not how I needed my night to start. I turn to holler for Patty when an angry voice sounds out behind me, “Colby, I know your mother taught you better. She taught you to treat ALL women with respect.” I turn to see a lean dark headed man standing next to me; someone I recognize as a regular. He’s dressed in mint green scrubs and he’s staring daggers at my table of customers.

            “Mind your own business, fag,” the kid who’s name I have deemed is Colby sneers at the man. The rest of the guys snicker at his comment while I gasp at the inappropriate derogatory dig. But before I have a chance to say anything in defense of this gentleman, I hear a low growl and I can feel anger radiating toward me.

            “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO MY MATE?!!” I look behind the first guy and see another man standing up from their booth. He is exceptionally tall with linebacker shoulders, biceps as big as my waist, honey blond hair that is cropped short and big brown eyes. And those brown eyes are flaming in anger toward my table of just barely adults.

             I take in a sharp breath and step back from him, afraid to be within his warpath. Looking back at the table of teenagers, they are all cowering and have their heads down and to the right, not making eye contact. “I expect all four of you in my office tomorrow at 4am, do I make myself clear?” The new angry guy says to them, authority flowing from his words. I almost feel like I need to report to his office at 4am tomorrow as well.

            “Yes, sir,” they reply in unison. I am a little shocked at the submission I am seeing in front of me. Not one of them meet his eyes or argues back. I look over at the man they just spoke to, and he doesn’t spare me a glance. He does grunt at the boys though. They in turn pull out their wallets, each putting a $20 bill on the table and quickly exit the diner followed by the big intimidating man stomping after them. The first man, the one who defended me, walks up and gently gathers the money, he turns and hands it to me with a kind smile.

            “For the trouble and disrespect, Miss…” he looks at my nametag, “Rose.”

            “Thank you for defending me, but the money isn’t necessary.” I say as I try to hand it back.

            “Nonsense, Rose. They disrespected you. This won’t make up for it but maybe go and buy your little girl something nice,” He suggests with a smile and gestures to Maddie. I look behind me and see Maddie quietly doing her homework with her back to us. Usually, no one knows she’s mine. I look back at him with confusion, wondering how he knows, but he has already exited through the door, throwing his coat on as he goes. Well, that was weird, I think to myself. I sigh and pocket the unearned tip, but don’t complain. This can be our food money later this week.

            The rest of my night at work is uneventful. I make decent tips at the diner, nothing extravagant, but it takes care of most of what we need. I would find a better paying waiting job, but no one else will let me bring Maddie with me, no matter how well behaved she is. I can’t afford a sitter. Patty is truly a saint.

             After my shift, I go to gather Maddie up. She moved upstairs to Patty’s apartment hours ago and fell asleep on the couch while reading a supernatural thriller. I don’t know how she reads those books and not have nightmares, but she doesn’t. She loves the stories of all the crazy fictional creatures, ghosts, vampires, witches, fairies and even werewolves.

            First, I gather her things into her school backpack and strap it on my back. Then I put my work duffle bag, where I already stuffed my purse, over my head and right shoulder in a cross-body position. I put Maddie in her coat and winter wear, then I pick her up to carry her home. She’s still sound asleep in my arms.

            The walk home is so tiring. Fifteen blocks carrying my daughter and all our things, in the snow and cold. By the time we arrive, I am beat, but I trudge up the four flights of stairs because the elevator has been broken for the four years we’ve lived here. Getting out of the stairwell, I see Mr. Newsome, the building’s superintendent knocking on my door.

            “Can I help you, Mr. Newsome?” I ask as I approach, digging for my keys.

            “Ms. Landers, you haven’t paid rent this week,” he says politely, but with a slight frown.

            “I didn’t have time to go to the bank this weekend for a cashier’s check, so I paid in cash. I let you know on Friday that I would do that on Sunday, and I did put the envelope in the drop box Sunday evening.” I tell him, confused. I’ve definitely paid our rent this week.

            “I’m sorry Ms. Landers, but there was no cash in the box. I need your rent, or you and Maddie will have to move out by Wednesday night.” He says with a sigh. Mr. Newsome is a good and kindhearted man and understands my situation. After all, he is breaking the rules by letting us both live in the tiny apartment. But I don’t understand how my rent could up and disappear, unless his bitch of a wife stole it. I also don’t have any extra other than the tips I received tonight, which is exactly enough for this week’s rent. A tear slips down my face as I reach into my pocket and pull out the money I have on me, and hand it over to him. Mr. Newsome nods at me and wishes me a goodnight after he counts it. I guess I won’t be eating this week. Again. At least we still have a roof over our heads that isn’t the women’s shelter. I sigh and go inside to put Maddie down for bed.

Michelle Barrett

Thank you all for reading my very first novel. I'm excited to be on this journey with you and can't wait to read your comments and reviews. If you are enjoying the story, please leave a review on the novel's detail page or leave a gem. I am currently aiming for daily updates. If that changes, I will let you all know. Again, thank you for reading and your support!

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