
An unexpected visit

Chapter 82


I was surprised to see Sebastian. I knew he’d come look for me here but not by this time of the night. What if they were attacked on the way or even worse had an accident? Then it’ll be all my fault. But thank goodness none of that happened.

“Amelia, be careful! You nearly spilt that whole bowl. What’s gotten into you?” my mum scolded as she kept more bowls of veggie sauce and salad on the table.

“I’m sorry…” I mumbled an apology, noticing the close call with some spilt grains as I looked away from Sebastian. I quickly used my hands to sweep the few that fell off the table.

My mum, seeing Sebastian, was surprised and delighted. Letting out a soft gasp, she hurried over and hugged him tightly.

“Oh my dear, it’s so good to see you again,” she pulled away after hugging him for what seemed like an eternity. She rested her palms on his cheeks, looking at him with motherly affection shining in her eyes. “How have you been? What of your wife – Catherine?”

“I’m fine…we
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