
Chapter 54


She said before finally opening her eyes.

“So the runes being etched on the demon’s back were the ones you drew on the notebook? That is interesting.”

I bit my lip nervously, feeling anything but interested in the discussion.

“Come on, we have to go draw the runes”

I said as I gobbled up a sandwich and gulped down the juice. I skipped bathing for today as I was not in the mood.

Talia hopped towards the bathroom as I finished my share of food and headed straight to the study.

As expected mom was waiting for us with a book in her hand and our notebooks were lying open.

She had not drawn a rune on the board like usual.

I walked in and greeted her.

“Good morning, Mom”

“Good morning, birthday girl”

She said and I blinked, “The birthday is tomorrow not today”

“Doesn't make you 'not' a birthday girl”

She smiled and I smiled in return.

“Where is your sister?” She asked as she lifted a marker fro mthe table.

“She went to shower, She will be here any minute”

“So, I was thinking of a b
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