
Chapter 41


“What’s for tea Dad?” I asked, after my stomach had growled for like the fiftieth time.

“Oh, did I not say?” he replied, “Miranda’s coming over with takeout. I told her to get you a Jalfrezi, is that ok?”

“Oh, great!” I said enthusiastically. Who doesn’’t love a takeaway curry?

“Oh, and Miranda’s son is also coming.”

I frowned while trying to remember if I had ever heard of their being a son. Nope, I was pretty sure I hadn’t heard him mentioned before.

“She has a son?” I asked.

“Yes, he lived with his dad, but please don’t mention anything about it will you?”

“I’m not stupid!” I reminded my dad. It wasn’t so much that I wasn’t stupid, more that I would avoid any socially awkward conversations at all cost.

Even if he did live with his dad, I still found it odd that he had never come up in conversation before.

“How old is he?” I asked.

“Erm, about your age I think, or maybe a little older.”

“Have you met him before?” I asked.

“Yes, briefly, he’s going to be working on one of m
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